Key Performance Indicators

Our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help the Board and executive management assess performance against our Group Priorities set out in 2019.

In 2022, metrics across this section have been updated to better reflect the lead KPIs that are now employed to track performance across our key focus areas. This means that we are no longer reporting total shareholder return, aggregated Brand Net Promoter Score (NPS), aggregated complaints and process safety incident frequency rate (Tier 1 and 2) in this section, although performance is available elsewhere in the report. In particular, customer complaints and NPS are particularly important to our business and are tracked by business unit in the Business Review section.


  1. Excludes Direct Energy which was classified as a discontinued operation in 2021.
  2. See notes 2, 4 and 10 to the Financial Statements for definition and reconciliation of these measures (Financial Statements)
  3. Measured independently, through individual questionnaires, the customer’s willingness to recommend British Gas following an engineer visit. KPI moved  from the previously reported aggregated Brand NPS to more transparently track and share performance in this key part of our customer-facing services business.
  4. Includes British Gas Energy, British Gas Services and Bord Gáis Energy households and small and medium business customer sites in British Gas Energy and Centrica Business Solutions.
  5. Measured through colleague responses to a survey asking them to rate how they feel about the company. The survey moved from annual to quarterly in 2021.
  6. Net zero goal measures scope 1 (direct) and 2 (indirect) GHG emissions based on operator boundary, which now includes all emissions from our shipping activities relating to Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) alongside the retained Spirit Energy assets in the UK and the Netherlands. Non-operated nuclear emissions are excluded. Target is normalised to reflect acquisitions and divestments in line with changes in Group structure against a 2019 base year of 2,132,680mtCO2 e. It’s also aligned to the Paris Agreement and based on science to limit global warming, corresponding to a well below 2°C pathway initially and 1.5°C by mid-century.
  7.  Restated due to LNG shipping and Spirit Energy’s remaining assets moving into scope in 2022.

†   Included in DNV Business Assurance Services UK Limited (DNV)’s independent limited assurance engagement. See page 258 or for more.